Dear 16 Year Old Self,
I've written to you a lot about how much your friends change over the years and how many people you are going to lose along the way but I don't think I've ever mentioned that some people stay and are here to stay for good.
People are either two things; a blessing or a lesson. After high school I felt as though all my friends were going on different paths and that us staying in contact was highly unlikely... but a few of my friends did. And it's great. We may not see each other every day, sometimes we go months without seeing one another, but when we do hang out it's as though we never stopped seeing one another. Conversations are effortless with these friends because they know you and your past, they get you.
Now I am all for making new friends, although I am so bad at it. But a lot of the time we crave people who actually know us and our history without us having to explain our entire life stories, and thats when you need your old friends.
Your friends are always going to have your back, no matter how many times they screw up or you screw up, some people will just stay in your lives whether you want them there or not. Your friends will understand when you're busy at college 24/7 and don't have time to talk or if you spend too much time with your new boyfriend and barely hang out with them, because they're happy you're happy.
I am more than grateful for the friends who have stuck around in my life and it's so great to see the amazing women and men they are growing into. There's something special about growing up with someone... Going through the phases of life with them. Treasure the friends you meet when you're 16, you're going to experience life with these people and it'll be awesome.
Choose your friends wisely, they might be around for longer than you think.
20 year old Nadine
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