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Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Letter 2: A thousand friends on Facebook does not make you popular

Dear 16 Year Old Self,

You're at the place in our life where all your friends have Blackberries...and you are the loser with a Samsung flip phone that can only log onto MXit. This doesnt change till you get to Matric...and you're going to rant and rave about why you need a Blackberry until you receive it, and realize it's not all that.

I remember getting my Blackberry, and being overwhelmed by how popular I was all of a sudden. People invited me out, I was involved in plans and decision within my friendship group...It was like someone had finally given me a platform where everyone of my friends were connected to me all the time. It felt good. I remember the first night I had a Blackberry and went to bed...The damn phone wouldnt stop buzzing, eventually I put it on silent so I could sleep in peace.

It was nice for a while, i felt like people actually cared about me. If I made a sad status, someone I didnt even know would ask me if i wanted to talk about it. People got involved with my life and I got involved with theirs. Very quickly my contact list reached the 200s... but eventually people started to lose interest. I no longer got messages every time I made a sad status, sometimes I had to go looking for plans. I remember nights I sat going through my contact list waiting for someone to message me... It made me feel pretty bad about myself...

You know by now how unlucky you are with cell phones, and that doesnt change when you get your Blackberry. My blackberry has drowned 3 times before it died for real. Being subjected to a life of just Whatsapp made me realize something...Having thousands of contacts on BBM and friends on Facebook means nothing...I depended so much on those social media relationships for happiness that when it disapeared I felt like my social life had died with it.

The fact is, your real friends arent the ones who are always in your business on BBM, Twitter or Facebook... those people are just interested in you for what kind of gossip they can spread about you later. Your real friends are the ones that call you, when you want to hang out. That make an effort to find out your new number on Whatsapp and message you. That visit you or take you out when they know you're down.

You shouldnt depend on the "friends" you have on Facebook, because a thousand friends means nothing if you're alone when you need your friends the most. Focus more on the relationships that are real rather than the fake ones and be wise enough to know the difference. It's going to be hard, sometimes you're not going to know the difference. But you'll learn. I mean that's what life is about right? Learning.

Your friends are important. You're going to need them more than anything as you grow older... They'll be your foundation for the person you become.

And try not to post everything on Facebook...I know it's hard, it took me so long to learn that somethings are personal and shouldnt be aired for everyone to know. You'll be surprised how much you change regarding social networks... somewhere down the line Facebook came up with a Timeline...You should check yours out and see how much you've grown since you started Facebook to present day. How much your friends have changed and how they've influenced you as a person. Its crazy.

Just remember 1 real friend who is there for you when you need them, is worth a whole lot more than 1000 Facebook friends.

19 Year Old Nadine

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