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Friday, 22 November 2013

Letter 10: Dreams are important

Dear 16 Year Old Self,

I remember when I was your age, young and really confused about where my future would be going...I  always dreamed of being a singer and performing all over the world, but I also always thought I'd go to University and study something like Accounting or something that guaranteed an income, you know?

I always put it off though, not making a proper decision in high school, but eventually in matric, I had to make a decision about my future. I had gotten into UCT and into The Waterfront Theatre School. UCT was were all my friends were going. WTS would be myself and two other people from high school, but I would have gotten an opportunity to do what I love everyday...Sing, dance and act in one place. So I decided to choose WTS.

It's been a year now since I've left high school and started the next phase of my life as a student. And All I can tell you is, it's been challenging...I've had my passion tested and attacked day after day. But at the end of the year all I can say is, I have no regrets. Because despite the sore and painful nights I've spent trying to massage my muscles after dance classes or nights I drank nothing but rooibos tea in hopes that my voice would be okay for my assessment in the morning, I loved what I was doing and that has made all the difference. I haven't wanted to give up once, when I got knocked down, I found a way to get around it and to make it work for me.

My point is, if you love something, the amount of effort and work it takes to get it wont affect you. Loving something and being passionate about what you're doing everyday is all that really matters. Sure I understand the whole "You cant make money in performing" argument, but from what I've seen, if you're absolutely passionate about something, it will show in your performance and the money will come.

I'm not saying you should drop everything you've got going on to chase the dream...but I do believe we owe it to ourselves to try. If you believe with every fiber in your body that you can succeed, you're probably right.

Go get them dreams, 16 Year Old me.
It'll be worth it, I promise you.

19 Year Old Nadine

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