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Sunday, 18 August 2013

Letter 6: Heartbreak

Dear 16 year old self,

Heartbreak sucks. Doesn't matter how old you are or whether it's your first, second or third heartbreak, the amount of pain endured through each remains the same.... If not more.

Heartbreaks usually mean the end of something. The end of a life with a particular person, the end of memories and future plans. It's a time in your life where it feels like an atomic bomb has been set off in your personal bubble and you're the only one who can feel the damage caused. It sucks. 

The thing is that heart break happens everywhere in the world. Everyday to people all over. You're not the first to go through a heartbreak and you won't be the last.... So why do we always feel so alone in times like these. 

Why do we feel like its the end of the world? Why do we get annoyed that life is going on around us when ours seems to be coming to an end....? 
You know why?

Cause life does go on. 

Heartbreak isn't just an end. It's a chance at a new beginning. And how many opportunities do u get in life to start over? Not many. 

It doesn't matter how much u love someone.... How much you believe you're meant to be with someone...if its over... Sometimes you just have to accept that it's over and that you've done all that you could and that there was nothing more you could have done. That's when u decide to move on.... And live your life. And it's hard. It's so incredibly hard. But that's life: it's hard.

I wish I could give u tips for dealing with this... But I'm still trying to figure it out myself. Just remember you're not alone, you've got your friends and family, people who care and love u no matter what.... And you've got your whole life ahead of you to fall in and out of love over and over. You don't know what the future holds.... One door closes so that another can open, that's what they say right? So far that hasn't been wrong. 

The best way to deal with heartbreak is to do just that. Deal with it. The only way out is through. So don't run away from this: cry as much as you like, listen to sad and depressing music, write in your diary, eat fatty foods. Do whatever you need to do to get through this at your own pace. Get through it one day at a time... Because one day, you're Gana wake up.... And that hole will be gone. You'll be able to say "I'm okay" and mean it. I know this because I've been through it before and I'm going through it right now again.

You never get used to heartbreaks... You just get stronger with each one. 

So if you've lost some one you love, just remember you're one heart break closer to finding your happy ending.

You just gotta have a little faith in the bigger picture. 

"what is meant to be will be...."

You'll be okay. 

19 year old Nadine

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