Dear 16 Year Old Self,
You're one of the most confident people I know, I know this because I was you not so long ago...You believe in your dreams and you have no problem chasing them head on. But somewhere along the line, this confidence starts to fade a little, it happens in different places.
When you start at high school, you start telling yourself you're stupid and eventually you start believing it, after high school due to negative people and the real world attacking you with full force, you start believing that your dreams are way too big for you to fulfil.
I've been in a bad space lately, a space that has caused me to doubt the path I'm on and everyday, I wish I was more like you, more like I used to be.
But here's what I've evaluated from thinking about where I am right now and the space I feel like I am stuck in.
My feelings:
- Unmotivated
- Unsupported
- Lazy
to mention but a few.
I just feel trapped, as if I've hit my peak and I can't break through this ceiling thats keeping me in, it's the most frustrating thing ever. But then I thought, I'm not unsupported, I have family and a few friends who support me no matter what, people who go out of the way to do things for me. Being lazy and unmotivated are two things that I can fix. I just have to keep pushing and stop measuring my success according to those around me.
Just remember, 16 Year Old me, the race is only with yourself, the best that you can do in life is try to be better than the person you were yesterday or last week or last year.
You have everything you need to succeed, and I'm hoping that you won't make the mistakes I have in the past by doubting myself. Your confidence will be called many things as you grow up, but stay humble and focus on your goals and I promise you, you'll be fine. Maybe you'll even end up doing more before I was able to.
I do hope you'll take my advice, I wish someone had sent me this letter when I was a teenager.
21 Year Old Nadine